You can look at your frame inside your front door for build date. Mine is Nov 2017. There is not a TSB but Kia did direct to replace under warranty and my dealership is aware that there is an issue with early builds.
My recommendation is this, no phone call, go to dealership, find your rep that sold you the car, tell him you have an issue you would like to get his advice on with the sales manager and you can wait until the sales manager has a few minutes.
Be nice, let them know what service was provided. Let them know you found out after when doing research that many many stingers have had warping issues.
Let them know the service manager called you and was more concerned with the poor review instead of what caused the poor review. Let them know that although you love the car and how Kia has stepped up their game but this experience has put doubt in your mind about continuing on with Kia in the future (let them know you are brand loyal when you feel taken care of but based on what has transpired you have serious doubts)
As it stands you paid $400.00 for turning your rotors and based on research it is possible it is a temporary fix.
What should have happened if the service department was being a customer advocate is they should have spent a few minutes researching to find out if Kia has any notes or if wrapped brakes were an issue. The service manager should have listened to your concerns and done some additional research. None of that happened, you did the research and now have lost some confidence in Kia.
You could get a decent set of rotors for $400.00, not from them
End the conversation by telling the sales manager you are coming to him because it feels as if your concerns have been dismissed and if they want to keep you as a customer they will see what they can help with.
As FYI...if they knew that the stinger was having break issues and told you but said nothing they can do because you are several thousand miles out of warranty for a wear item you could at least had made an informed decision to replace instead of paying $400.00 to turn breaks that have had issues.
Long, sorry...I work for a bank in the auto arm and to dealerships repeat buyers are valuable for the car but also trades for used cars and especially the service. I have found you get a lot more accomplished if you build up vs tear down...but if that does not work that take the other advice and scream, lol.
Good luck
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