According to the owner's manual the Kia Stinger will have a four second window whenever you use the feature. Additionally there's a limit on how often it can be used.
Launch Control Operation
Kia Launch Control
Launch Control Operation
- When using Launch Control with an engine that is not warmed up enough, a driver should always make sure that the engine's cooling water is warmed up and reaches a recommended temperature.
- To operate ESC Off state 2, Press and hold ESC button for more than 3 seconds in Sports mode. (Status Display on Cluster Screen)
- For launching, stop the vehicle and keep a steering wheel straight.
- Footbrakes, EPB and Auto Hold must be released for smooth launching

- Press the brake firmly with your left foot in transmission D mode, while pressing the accelerator pedal down fully with your right foot. Then, the Launch Control Ready (1) will be in place.

- To start a vehicle, with your right foot pressing the accelerator pedal down fully, remove your left foot from the brake. (within 4 seconds) (Launch Control Active (2) Status Display on Cluster Screen)
- If both the brakes and accelerater pedals were applied and the driver removes his foot only from the accelerater pedal, Launch Control will be automatically deactivated. Or, if the vehicle does not start after 4 seconds with a driver's feet on both brake and accelerate pedals, Launch Control will automatically deactivated as well
- Do not operate both brake and accelerate pedals simultaneously for longer than 4 seconds without leaving the vehicle.
- When re-using Launch Control, a driver should have the vehicle cool down sufficiently by driving

- A warning message will pop up on the screen if the transmission fluid temperature is above a certain level while using Launch Control. Also, Launch Control will be automatically deactivated.
- To address the issue as above, a driver should cool down the transmission fluid temperature by driving the vehicle. (Driving at a constant speed over 60 KPH is highly recommended
Constant use of Launch Control can put enormous stress on transmission, engine, and drive shafts and can result in vehicle damage. It is highly recommended that Launch Control is used after completion of the vehicle brake-in process.
Constant use of Launch Control can put enormous stress on transmission, engine, and drive shafts and can result in vehicle damage. It is highly recommended that Launch Control is used after completion of the vehicle brake-in process.